Teen Boys and Girls Adventure Camps are designed for teen boys and girls who want to spend time enjoying the great outdoors. A nice balance of adventure and discovery, the camps are designed to introduce new skills, experiences, and friendships to each camper. Some activities may include horses and kayaking. Between getting dirty and getting wet, campers will be learning new things about God’s creation, and that God has created each one of them for something great!
These Teen Boys and Girls Adventure Camps are overnight camps tailored specifically for teens Ages 12-16. Just the right balance of responsibility and amusement are part of the curriculum.
Registration Fee: $200.00 for a week of camp.
You can register and pay online. Click the link below.
What to Bring:
Campers are urged to bring the following: clothes for the week, jeans for hiking in the woods, sweatshirt, toiletries, Bible, swimming trunks/suit, sleeping bag and pillow, bug spray, ball cap, sunscreen, hiking shoes, sneakers, 2 towels and a flashlight.
Drop Off:
At the Check In - Coop at 1460 Stoney Point Road, on Monday at 1:00pm
The first meal served on Monday is dinner. Pick up on Friday at 12:00 noon.