Can't Get Enough of Stoney Point Camp? Neither can we so we will be sharing frequent updates on camp events and activities - stay tuned!
Jayson's Campfire Chronicles
Jayson has been with us for over a year now. It has been great to have him working and serving here at camp. He has been busy with a new program called (PST) Precision Skills and training as well as many other adventures.
Elle's Joining the Team Fulltime!
We are excited to announce that Elle Miller will be joining us this spring to start working at camp full-time. Elle has been with us the last three summers working as a counselor, playing guitar, working in camp registration, and her favorite job; "no really" taking the Ranger on the evening dumpster run. Elle graduated this Dec 2024 with a Bachelor's degree in Human Services from Northwest Missouri State. She is on full mission's support. If you would like to help Elle, just click on the Donate button and write Elle's name in the comment section.
So What is Project Theo
Project Theo derives its name from our camp mascot; a small bear that hides in the woods each morning of summer day camp, and the campers search to find him. It is a race by the boy and the girls to see who finds him first. He may be under some leaves, in a hole in a stump or even climbing up a tree. Named by the campers years ago, Theodore, means “gift of God.” It is a fitting name as we desire for each camper to search for God’s gift every morning. So, we named the fall campaign Project Theo!
Meet the New Guy!!! Jayson our Camp Manager
We are thrilled that God has led Jayson here to camp.
Precision Skills and Training coming in 2024
Precision Skills & Training
2024 Sap Run 5K April 27
Many feet waiting for the start of the race
Check In Coop
The Check-In Coop was built by the ROCC group; this was a much-needed building for camp. It serves as the registration point, parent drop off/pick up, camp store, communications center, and the list goes on. This building is the first building you will see when you arrive at camp. Stop in for a visit the next time you are at camp.
Project Theo
Here is Stoney Point Camp. We have just celebrated our 13th Anniversary!! God has been so good to us and all the campers and supporters over the last 13 years. Each year, the camp has grown by leaps and bounds, but with that has come some challenges.
Sugar Shack Update
Sugar Shack Update
The Day Grandpa Came to Camp
The Day Grandpa Came to Camp
"O taste and see that the LORD is good."
“O taste and see that the LORD is good.”
Ways you can help SPC this year!
Stoney Point Camp Christmas Update!
For full Christmas letter, use this link... --> Download
Stoney Point Camp Christmas Update!
To see the full Christmas letter, Please use the link below.
Stoney Point Camp Christmas Update!
For full Christmas letter, use this link... --> Download